Funniest Thing!

We all know the funniest things happen when we stop taking ourselves too seriously and step out boldly. We become like Mister Magoo, blindly stepping onto the next swinging girder and falling into an outrageous jackpot. Each week Darrell and Ed share real-life stories of how surrendering to Divine Order leads to better-than-expected outcomes. These unlikely saints administer a refreshing dose of laughter and love that will inspire you to step out boldly and experience the funniest things. If you want to see what Darrell and Ed are up to when they are not on the air, ”Like” them on Facebook and join them on Twitter @DarrellandEd. For more spirited entertainment, visit

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Monday Feb 10, 2025

You have to think, so you might as well think big. Remember that covenant in which, if we fill our minds with good and expect only good, then only good will come to us. Trust in your own untried capacity. Don’t follow trends, start trends. Reach out and open the door that no one thought could be opened. On this episode, Darrell and Ed encourage listeners to think big and step out of their stagnant zone. Action builds confidence and eliminates fear. Once you decide, God makes a way. And, during the second segment, big thinking Joan Steadman champions our big dreams with today’s reading, “Thinking Big is Honoring God.” 
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Thursday Feb 06, 2025

Your mind feeds on ideas. Don’t buy into the negative thought contagion of others. Once our mind accepts an idea, either good or bad, it immediately begins to conspire with that idea. It’s up to us to choose what our minds will feast upon. We always have the freedom to choose the thoughts we will consume. Fearful or faithful. Once you choose it’s like buying your ticket at a train station. Your mind will proceed to take you to the corresponding destination. On this episode, Darrell and Ed share the incredible benefits of choosing our thoughts and the power of changing our minds if we don’t feel good about where our thoughts are taking us. During the second segement, the wonderful Wayne Manning gets us all on the right track with today’s reading, “Courageous Thinking”.
Quick recap:
The group discussed the importance of positive thoughts, mindset, and actions in achieving personal growth and success, with a focus on gratitude, forgiveness, and overcoming fear and timidity. They shared personal experiences and strategies for managing negative thoughts and emotions, emphasizing the power of small actions and the need to focus on positive outcomes. The conversation ended with a discussion on the role of prayer and meditation in personal development and the importance of setting a positive tone for life.
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Tuesday Jan 28, 2025

The inspiration and guidance to express God’s love in new creative ways is always available to us. We just have to make ourselves ready to receive it. When inspiration comes as a joyful nudge, don’t be quick to dismiss it. Let the good feelings that came with it grow. Fall in love with your desire. Do this and it will happily tell you the next indicated step to take. If your next step isn’t obvious, simply ask for it. Just go about your business all the while maintain the attitude of trust. The answer will come. As a rule, keep it simple. Ask yourself how would you go about it if you were to let it be easy? Remember the easiest way for you IS your unique form of expression. On this episode, Darrell and Ed share how responsibility, the ability to respond to spirit is the way we receive and express our gifts. And, during the second segment, Inspiritor Esthero opens listeners up to receive their gifts, and highlights our inherent ability to do so, with today’s reading, “God’s Open Hand”.
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Tuesday Jan 21, 2025

Finding the good in situations-even undesirable ones-and feeling grateful is a spiritual superpower. When we express gratitude, we’re living with faith that blessings of all kinds are constantly unfolding and the goodness of God is in all things. Living with gratitude activates the Law of Increase. When you live with an attitude of gratitude, you are simply magnetic. On this episode, Darrell and Ed discuss how gratitude ignites the expectation that we will have what we need when we need it and that we will always be in the right place at the right time. And, during the second segment, Grad Daddy Michael Schoonover motivates listeners to accept the best life has to offer with today’s reading, “Positive Words.”
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Friday Jan 17, 2025

“There is a power for good in the universe greater than you are and you can use it.” Ernest Holmes, here referring to God, is stating the greatest discovery that the individual can make. However, how does one gain access to this power? By simply opening themselves up to it. We must be willing to believe the truth that this benevolent God power is always at work on our behalf. Trusting in Divine Orchestration at work to the point where we can let go of concern and panic driven fear-based activity. And to freely forgive; to give up harmful emotions toward ourselves and others. It’s the divine paradox, “surrender to win!” On this episode, Darrell and Ed highlight the evidence that our needs are met and our desires fulfilled when we let go and trust God is at work. And, during the second segment, Happy Prayer Minister C. C. Gaitan encourages listeners to receive God’s good, guidance, inspiration, and motivation into their lives with today’s reading, “Choose Happiness.”
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Thursday Jan 09, 2025

“Funniest Thing!” is the exclamation that many people will say when something unexpected happens that coincides with a desire of theirs. “Funniest thing! The person who interviewed me for that job I really want grew up in the same town and we had a great time reminiscing.” “Funniest thing! I had trouble finding a parking space but when I finally did the person getting out of the car next to me was someone who I haven’t seen in years and was just thinking about.” “Funniest thing! We had an unexpected bill and a day later we received an unexpected check as a gift from a family member in the same amount.”
What if these coincidences weren’t just coincidences at all? What if you had something to do with causing these serendipitous and seemingly miraculous outcomes? For centuries philosophers have said we do. On this episode, Darrell and Ed reveal and discuss the secret to living a charmed life. The secret being our attitude. Your attitude, your mental approach to any situation, is the combination of your thoughts and feelings about it. Those who proceed with a faithful attitude, one of gratitude and joyful expectancy, seem to enjoy more good luck than those who proceed with a fearful attitude; morbid expectancy. Why is this so? Because our thoughts produce feelings and feelings equal vibration. And it’s the Universe’s job to match your vibration. Good and faithful thoughts produce good feelings, and these good vibrations make us magnetic to good results. During the second segment, Rev. Cathy Norman elevates our thoughts and feelings with today’s reading, “Imagination is Prayer.”
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Tuesday Dec 31, 2024

Every kind deed, every noble act pays off double. You get your first payoff the instant you do it by the Joy it releases. The second payoff comes later on, for no human action is exempt from repercussions. The world must eventually react to any good act and the bread you cast upon the waters will be returned to you on some later tide. Shed peace, not discord, wherever you go. Try to be part of the cure of every situation, not part of the problem. Always try to build up, never to tear down. Show others by your example that happiness comes from living with faith in Good, and the choice to express love. The power of your example is greater than the power of what you say. Be the good in the neighborhood. On this episode, Darrell and Ed motivate listeners to bring something good into every situation knowing it will set off a ripple effect. And, during second segment, Prayer Minister Sally Reed Snyder gets our week off to a wonderful start with today’s reading, “Work with Joy”.
Every kind deed, every noble act pays off double. You get your first payoff the instant you do it by the Joy it releases. The second payoff comes later on, for no human action is exempt from repercussions. The world must eventually react to any good act and the bread you cast upon the waters will be returned to you on some later tide. Shed peace, not discord, wherever you go. Try to be part of the cure of every situation, not part of the problem. Always try to build up, never to tear down. Show others by your example that happiness comes from living with faith in Good, and the choice to express love. The power of your example is greater than the power of what you say. Be the good in the neighborhood. On this episode, Darrell and Ed motivate listeners to bring something good into every situation knowing it will set off a ripple effect. And, during second segment, Prayer Minister Sally Reed Snyder gets our week off to a wonderful start with today’s reading, “Work with Joy”. I am aligned with love. I radiate unconditional love and receive love in abundance. My heart is open to giving and receiving love. I welcome love into my life. I spread love to those around me and fill my own cup with self-love. Every cell in my body vibrates with love. I am love.
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Tuesday Dec 24, 2024

You are the only person who can limit you. We are where we are because of who we are, and who we are is the image that we have accepted of ourselves. At anytime you can break free from the familiar image you’ve accepted about yourself. As soon as you decide to accept a new image of yourself. you’ll receive a promotion. The Truth states, “It is done unto you as you believe” and can be personalized as, “It is done unto me as I believe about myself”. On this episode, Darrell and Ed inspire listeners to expect a promotion, as they accept a new image of themselves. And, during the second segment, Sporty Stephanie Havelka, Founder and Creator of Sportkini, makes all things new with today’s reading, “Dare to Be Rich, Well and Happy!”
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Tuesday Dec 17, 2024

The affluent life is simple to attain once we discover that we can choose the good. When we choose to focus on the good, we can feel the whole power of the universe behind us. This is how we experience affluence as a way of life. Affluence means we’re in the flow, in harmony with God’s purpose for our life. Discipline means choosing, moment by moment to stay on the beam with our greater good. While we’re busy taking care of God’s business, He’s busy taking care of ours and we can boldly proclaim, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” On this episode, with Darrell taking a much-needed rest, Ed discusses how affluent living is the result of choosing a generous attitude and loving behavior. And, during the second segment, Unity Minister, tender-hearted Tom Thorpe gets us motivated to choose the good life with today’s reading, “Everyday’s Christmas!”
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Tuesday Dec 10, 2024

Big ideas are inherently enthusiastic and therefore, attractive. When we get in the swing of a big idea it’s impossible to hang onto limiting perspectives. The stronger your desires for good, the greater the power of your desires to produce that good for you. Psychologists agree that we influence people and circumstances by having great desires and great goals. It is as though everything and everybody subconsciously tunes in on our big desires and goals, and gets busy helping us to achieve them. On this episode, Darrell and Ed drive home the fact that man’s only limitations are in the negative use of imagination. And, during the second segment, Cat-lovin’ Megan Cassady’s experience proves our national motto “Annuit Coeptis” which is Latin for “God favors our bold enterprise.” Today’s reading is, “Just Take The First Step.”
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